In class, we talked about more places of interest (die Sehenswürdigkeiten) in Europe; introduction to the German territory and surrounding countries; and the verb to be ("sein") in past tense (Präteritum). For more practice, visit Präteritum "sein" Aufgabe powered by
Orientierung auf der Landkarte.

Here are some words and phrases that I learned today.

Here are some words and phrases that I learned today.
„Das Kenne ich nicht.”
„Ich weiß nicht.”
„In welchem Land ist das?”
„In der Mitte von _____ .”
„Ist das in der Nähe von ______ ?”
Kennen = to know (concrete)
Wissen = to know (abstract)
Nomen singular (plural)
der Berg (die Berge) = mountain
der Fluß (die Flüsse) = river
die Landschaft (die Landschaften)
= countryside
= countryside
✎ My personal wordbank:
The 16 states of Germany
The 16 states of Germany
State | Abbrev. | Capital City |
Baden-Württemberg | BW | Stuttgart |
Bavaria (Bayern) | BY | Munich (München) |
Berlin | BE | |
Brandenburg | BB | Postdam |
Bremen | HB | |
Hamburg | HH | |
Hesse (Hessen) | HE | Wiesbaden |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | MV | Schwerin |
Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) | NI | Hannover |
North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen) | NW | Düsseldorf |
Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz) | RP | Mainz |
Saarland | SL | Saarbrücken |
Saxony (Sachsen) | SN | Dresden |
Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt) | ST | Magdeburg |
Schleswig-Holstein | SH | Kiel |
Thuringia (Thüringen) | TH | Erfurt |
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