ü to begin a conversation, introduce myself and communicate with others in German
ü international words in German sentences
ü to count and spell numbers in German
ü to spell commonly-used German words
ü the meanings of commonly-used German adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs
ü to conjugate commonly-used German adjectives, nouns, and verbs
ü to locate places using directions in German
ü to use German prepositions to modify meanings in German sentences
I also did the exercises on:
- Internationale Wörter in Texten finden
- Wörter sortieren
- Wortakzent in Verben und in Zahlen
- Mit einem Redemittelkasten arbeiten
- Grammatiktabelle ergänzen
- Satzakten in Frage- und Aussagesätzen
- Mit Wörterbüchern arbeiten
- Lernkarten schreiben
- Wortakzent bei Komposita etwas besonders betonen
- Wortschatz systematisch: Wörter nach Oberbegfiffen ordnen, Wörternetze machen, einen Lernkartei anlagen.
J recite the German alphabet
J compute in German
J familiarize myself with the genders of German nouns: der, die, und das (masculine, feminine, and neutral) and their plural forms
J understand the uses of: Personalpronomen (personal pronouns); Possessivartikel (posssessive articles); Bestimmte und Unbestimmte Artikel (definite and indefinite articles); and Verneinung (negation)
J conjugate commonly-used German adjectives, nouns, and verbs according to sentence structure: Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ, und Genetiv (nominative, accusative, dative and genitive).
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