We talked about asking and answering more questions (such as: Woher kommen Sie? und Wo wohnen Sie?); conjugating verbs (heißen¸kommen, und wohnen) ; the use of “ß”; and did some pronunciation exercises as well.
Here are some words and phrases that I learned today.
Here are some words and phrases that I learned today.
„Andere fragen?”
„Er/Sie kommt aus ______?”
„Wer ist das?”
„Er/Sie wohnt ______. ”
„Er/Sie kommt aus ______?”
„Wer ist das?”
„Er/Sie wohnt ______.
lesen = to read
buchstabieren = to spell
Dialog = conversation or dialogue
Kurs = class
Brandeburger Tur
✎My personal wordbank:
Links = Left
Rechts = Right
Vorderseite = Front
Hinter = Back/Behind
Hier = Here
Day 2 was memorable for me in two reasons. First, today is der Geburtstag von meiner besten Freundin.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Shine!
Secondly, our teacher, Frau Arroyo returned our previous homework with individual notes. I scanned it and it said:
Danke, Frau Arroyo!
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