Mittwoch, November 10, 2010

Day 1. Start auf Deutsch

First post. Let me make one thing straight first - it's not like I really don't speak German at all. I have friends who had taught me in the past, so I'm able to converse and comprehend what I read. But for the sake of this blog, let's all start from scratch. My blog, I make the rules.

Here are some words and phrases that I learned today. 

Ich heiße Rochelle.  
Wie heißen Sie?  
Wie heißt sie?
Wie heißt er?

sehen = to see   
hören = to hear    

Bilder = picture
Töne = sound
Worter = word

Internationale Wörter:
Musik, Touristen, Büro, 
Supermarkt, Telefon, Kurs, 
Kaffee, Computer, Cafeteria, 
Oper, Espresso, Euro, 
Orchester und Schule

✎ My personal wordbank:
Hallo = Hello
Antwort = Answer
Fragen = Question
Bitte = Please
Danke = Thank you

1 Kommentar:

Jarl Gamonez hat gesagt…

I wonder how these German words sound when spoken :D Good luck Roch! Ako naman ngayon Japanese ang tinatake..hehe see ya around! :)

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